They’re all like, the same, man!
They’re all like, the same, man!
Arguably Revolution would be closer with Trump in office…
Not much of an argument to vote for trump but unfortunately probably true.
Wait what’s that about Chelsea Manning‽
I lol’ed at that pic as well…
No sane individual is going to pay for a subscription for phone backgrounds.
That is absolutely a stupid business idea and the people who came up with it should be publicly shamed.
They are very clearly quoting lyrics from the Rage against the machine song killing in the name of.
But if you were born after 2005 I can comprehend how that reference is missed.
Kids these days are out of touch.
Remove weir bias now!!!
All water retention systems matter!!!
Communism is when you get free lunch.
I respectfully disagree.
To me the abolition of gender would be amazingly freeing.
It wouldn’t matter if I chose to wear a dress to work or a suit.
It wouldn’t matter if I chose the pink shirt over the blue shirt.
It wouldn’t matter if I wore makeup and nail polish and be a construction worker.
Yes, I could do all of those things right now, nothing stops me rather than the feeling of being judged by others, hence the ‘external validation’ of gender.
None of those things above are inherently feminine or masculine but a lot of us are taught that they are and judge others on those ‘rules’.
For me, it is hard to fathom how someone who experiences so much suffering from gender dysphoria can then reenforce that same gender expression in society. To me, I’d just rather kids growing up who wear whatever clothes and behave how ever they want to (within reason).
If all people didn’t perceive certain clothes, behaviours and ideas as feminine or masculine then people would just be people.
I won’t hope to imagine your own internal thoughts but I am curious, if you weren’t taught what a ‘woman’ is and what a ‘man’ is do you still think you would have experienced gender dysmorphia?
Also, as far as I know body dysmorphia is different to gender dysmorphia. I.e. I can identify as a man but still want to keep my vagina.
I’m also not claiming you wouldn’t have still had body dysmorphia even if gender was abolished.
Google the definition of a meme. Memes are pretty much anything.
It literally definitionally is a meme.
Without external validation I’m not sure we can have gender.
Don’t get me wrong here btw, I’m not conservative on this issue, I’m a gender abolitionist.
I’d quibble slightly and argue that there’s a strong case that gender is also performative so if society generally deems you a woman, you’re also a woman.
Yeah it actually is.
Who are you? The meme police?
Get new material Donald.
Hate is out, hope is in.
He has the big time rizz.
Nicole Shanahan seems to fit the definition of a psychopath.
Yes make it public.
No real reason not to.
Suck it you Venusian losers!
John Waters is fantastic.