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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Not sure why this showed up in my “new” tab for lemmy when its 2 days old, but thank you for sharing, as someone who was very interested in Viking era Scandinavians in North America, its endlessly infuriating to STILL have people claim that there’s “recent and clear evidence of Viking inhabitation of the area now known as the USA” and then just… link to this, something that was debunked practically the second it was discovered

  • nature_man@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldgotta do it
    5 months ago

    This is so much more than just a race issue, its also an LGBTQ and neurodivergence issue, while I may not like Biden, Trump and his crew have both said things and acted in ways that attack basically anyone that isn’t in the in group they deem as worthwhile, republicans have also been pushing forward increasingly hostile anti-trans, anti-abortion laws, and Trump as president would bolster their ability to harm vulnerable groups even more

    I really hate Biden’s unquestioning support of Israel but holy fuck under Trump some of my friends might actually die, and others will lose their rights to be themselves!

    Lets also not forget Trump and his fans pushing for things that could very well spell the actual end of democracy in the US.

    Edit: I didn’t mean to subtract from the race issue, that’s also a big part of it, I simply mean to say that Trump is a massive broad spectrum threat to multiple vulnerable groups across the US

    Also edited because apparently this isn’t readily apparent to some people: under Trump, the genocide of Palestinians will continue, I am very very much against this, the “holy fuck” line is not expressing that I think the genocide of Palestinians is secondary, but is expressing exasperation at the people who constantly insist that the only way to protest is to not vote not seeing the problem with Trump getting into power

    While I’m at it, pretty much whatever the results of the election are, shit will probably hit the fan, I urge everyone to learn first aid, a good start is www.stopthebleed.org

  • No. There are hundreds of entirely valid reasons to be wary of AI, especially the fact that the word AI has just turned into a corporate buzzword, when I hear that (insert thing) has had AI added to it, that can mean anything from a single static image that was made using “AI art” , to a large language model being used, or maybe they just grafted chatGPT to it.

    Maybe if people and companies stopped labeling everything even tangentially computer related as AI I’d be less dismissive of it, but as it is now, whenever “AI” is mentioned in relation to a product it feels like a “corp wants to artificially increase percieved value by using latest trend” moment

  • The twitter user is making so many assumptions. It’s a great look into the delusional mind of alt right people.

    For example, they assume all of the gun owners are conservatives and that they are all willing to fight and die for texas, and have the means or money to get there. In actuality, plenty of gun owners aren’t extremists or even right wing, and many of those who are probably won’t even show up if this shit happens.

    Also, if this shit happens, once those who did show up end up in prison, on the run, or dead, you can bet your ass that the same account will be calling it a false flag operation or something [not sure if it was this account or one of the other major right wing twitter accounts that encouraged January 6th and then went on to claim it was a false flag afterwards]

    To sum up the right wing lunatic mind: everybody who owns guns agrees with me and would die for those opinions, but also, if we lose, it was a false flag anyway, and most people actually agree with us but are too scared to show it, etc.

    It’s just a bunch of hypocrisy and assumptions that go against all facts.