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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • T cells.

    “Most studies on COVID-19 vaccines have focused on neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses, with little emphasis on cellular immunity. However, accumulating data suggest that T cell responses play an important role in vaccine protection against severe COVID-19 disease, particularly against viral variants that partially escape from recognition by NAbs. These insights have implications for using current COVID-19 vaccines and for developing next-generation vaccines against COVID-19 and other infectious diseases”


  • Sure it’s possible it was “designed to fail” but not because the wrong method was used but because our current extremist supreme court would have used any excuse to stop it. It was based on the same HEROES Act that Trump’s pause of student loans was based on and the act explicitly says “waive or modify” loans so if Biden’s cancelation was illegal then so was Trump’s pause.

    Here is a quote from the DOJ: “The plain text of the HEROES Act authorizes the Secretary to “waive or modify any statutory or regulatory provision applicable to” the federal student loan program, … We conclude that targeting relief towards those individuals who suffered financial hardship because of COVID -19 and who otherwise satisfy the requirements of the Act accords with the Act’s requirement that the waiver or modification “be necessary to ensure that” student loan recipients who are “affected” by a national emergency “are not placed in a worse position financially” with respect to their loans as a result.”

    From this law blog

  • The U.S. apparently hasn’t been starting enough wars lately.

    “Research published in 2021 by Vescio showed that people who embrace a particular kind of traditional masculinity — women as well as men — were more likely to support Trump in the 2016 and 2020 elections. Other studies have indicated that hostile attitudes toward women were associated with support for Trump in both presidential elections, as is the perception that the U.S. has grown “too soft and feminine.”

  • When people talk about “doing your own research,” I think they underestimate how difficult and slow actual research is. For physical and biological sciences it also requires heavy investment in equipment, but you can save money by sharing resources and collaborating with others doing similar research. For social/politics/history/economic research, I would imagine you need access to primary sources, maybe some modeling software, and years of learning to understand the context of anything you’re researching. I think people who say “do your own research” don’t understand the significance of understanding context, which leads to some…interesting ideas.