Secret Alt Account

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024


  • Youre right. And… Do you think DEI becoming a buzzword in the Republican culture war makes it more or less likely there will be more of those lawsuits?

    But yes, at the end of the day, whatever the reason it just means more racism, because bias is often hard to prove and you often can’t prove that bias accounts for a lack of advancement, you just feel it, and bias can make getting ahead so much harder in so many ways.

    I think Republicans especially hated DEI because it could include trans and LGBT people. The existence of trans people means their made up god is fake, because their fantasy book says Adam and Eve, not Adam Eve and They/Them. If trans people are real, then the magical fantasy book is a lie, and then they’ve been lied to and fooled and their magic jebus bread didnt really have magical powers and they can’t possibly admit to that, so here we are.

  • In the future there will probably white people suing for racism based on the existence of dei and the courts are now so racist those lawsuits will be allowed because the same territories that fought for slave ownership during rhe civil war have political leverage via republicans

    Dei is now a legal liability instead of protecting against lawsuits. Many companies that are laying off people cant justify keeping dei in that environment when they are laying off people that do work that is closely aligned with the business. Laying off a senior programmer but keeping dei seems a bit unfair and since dei could be a liability why keep it?

    There was also pressure to hire more black people in business back in covid times and post-covid and companies did that, with data showing it probably impacted other races getting hired. It’s risky for them to keep doing that and likely expensive. Dei was also keeping more data allowing them to get sued to more easily either way. Many employees complained about dei and that it was all for show even when the expense was there.

    Its also became synonymous with woke and republicans hate the term. Conpanies only do what the prevailing political winds say so they can fit in with legal compliance enough to keep profiting. They don’t care and are mostly an illusion of a logo with greedy people worshipping money behind the veneer.

  • Your writing style and intelligence remind me of someone I used to know…

    who I fell in love with. He was very verbally intelligent and had brown eyes. I still fantasize about fleeing nuclear war and accidentally bumping into him in another country in which he has fewer romantic options due to many people affected by the war. It’s sort of a warped fantasy on many levels.

    I’m nearly certain you aren’t him because of the motorcycle post. And you use Firefox and he used Macs. He probably uses Safari or whatever stupid closed-source browser comes with those systems. I never understood Macs. I should have just bought one and pretended to like it, but I doubt it would have reeled him in. I was naive back when I met him and a Windows user, so also incredibly stupid. Even if I had used Linux back when I met him, or morally caved and pretended to like Macs, he probably still wouldn’t have found me to be an appealing option, hence the fantasy of nuclear war and encountering him in a limited options situation. “I am so sad there are so few survivors from this terrible war,” I would lie, feigning dismay. (It’s a really fucked up fantasy.) You have a similar linguistic style as he did.

    In any case, your logic is sort of flawed because under a game theory perspective, my vote will not matter. I am not in a swing state. Game theory looks at things from a hyper-logical decision-tree and probabalistic perspective, and no matter what I do in this situation the outcome is the same. What you wrote sounded clever, but is technically wrong.

    If you mean Biden is the least cruel choice, I don’t know if you are right. Trump went to Wharton and likes tall buildings and avoiding large unneeded costs. (I’m bracing myself to be inundated with down-votes.) Trump does not show a lot of empathy to minorities, but he’s cheap. I could see him using diplomacy to end things more quickly than Biden through fake flattery, and even if there was a Potemkin village aspect to his negotiation that was ethically one-dimensional, results are results. At the same time, I don’t think Trump has any pesky mirror neurons to affect how he feels regarding suffering and death, so any success would be secondary to his self-absorption, which could still be effecacious.

    But I also believe Trump is in the pocket of Putin, which could make nuclear war less likely, although he would cede to every Putin demand. This of course would wreck my fantasy of having to flee nuclear war and bumping into the brown eyed guy I’m in love with in a strange country… For various extremely convoluted reasons, randomly calling him or emailing him may not be effective. Basically many romantic rivals would have to no longer exist as a result of some apocalyptic hellscape for me to have a chance. What would be dystopia to some would be my only chance… at victory.

    Ultimately I could never vote for Trump because of how he treats people. I don’t want to normalize trash culture, even rich white trash culture. I just don’t know if I would vote for Biden as a symbolic gesture. He’s great to trans people but his presidency is part of incredible cruelty and I am not sure I want to add my meaningless rubber stamp to what is going on, as though kindness to LGBT people offers some sort of political absolution for complex and unseen atrocities. I adhere to the political system as it exists with its corruption out of fear, not loyalty, and voting at all seems to be supporting something corrupt and rotten. I believe in democracy, but I can’t change the mind of everyone. In a different world in which I had ended up less lonely, I could have had the strength to change minds with words, but as it stands any voting just seems like complicity.

  • We should create an online database of every single government official who enabled this cruelty (criminalizing poverty) in any capacity and make it a public website.

    If the political winds change, we.can decide what to do with it later.

    There is so much distributed culpability for this cruelty that it’s easy to just throw one’s hands up in defeat instead of recognizimg their are people who are culpable and could be held to account at some point lawfully.