• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I got a TecWare Phantom 104 for my first, it’s been good so far (about 3 years of use). The “shroud” cover piece helps with noise and light leakage. I have the brown keys, they’re pretty nice. I’ve had to replace a couple of the most used ones, but it came with some extras.

    The keyboard comes with a key cap puller tool, but I recommend getting a key puller tool (to remove the keys themselves, not just the caps). They’re cheap and will make changing keys a much better experience.

  • Capitalism. Specifically, the stock market. IPOs make good companies into bad companies.

    Being owned by stockholders effectively removes any amount of “human” in the company’s choices and direction. There becomes a single goal, to which everything else is sacrificed: make stock prices go up in the short term. The C-suite execs will say all sorts of other shit, but any appearance of accountability or altruism is solely geared to making more money at any cost. Any leadership with a soul will be forced to either give up trying to be “good”, or they leave.

  • Okay, so the players try chopping off a head, say the red one, and the whispers start to dissipate (and no heads grow back). Awesome! they think, and quickly dispatch the other two. But once all three heads are gone, five more grow back: green, blue, red, white, and different red, I guess? And the party is immediately beset by visions, which are somewhat clearer and more vivid than the last ones.