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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • That he’s so easily influenced by the people around him is just one more reason he’s a shitty person to be President. He’s very likely functionally illiterate, so his entire worldview comes solely from the videos he watches and the people he talks to. He only surrounds himself with ‘yes’ people who are likely only there because they flatter his ego and don’t challenge him on anything. And the kind of people willing to flatter Trump are likely either batshit insane themselves or hold even more contemptible views than he does.

    He’s an intellectual void that gets filled with the shitty ideas of those around him. There’s always this very direct line where you can trace some of the things he says right to a specific person or a segment on tv. There’s no processing or reflection or contemplation or anything, just garbage in, garbage out.

  • I’m sure he doesn’t even care that people are mocking him about it, the fact that everybody is talking about “concepts of a plan” and “they’re eating the cats” is still a victory in his mind. Good attention or bad attention doesn’t matter, attention for the sake of attention is the only thing he cares about. Nobody is really talking about anything specific Harris said or did, she didn’t really have any really breakout moments that I can recall after having watched it, it was just Trump being a jackass and saying dumb shit.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOrganized Left
    10 days ago

    That sounds like something somebody would say if they knew absolutely nothing about the Left (or were just trying to scare/motivate their own base). The Left are ok-ish at organizing when they’re motivated enough, but they can barely agree on anything and will find any excuse to get into a fight with each other. You’ve got people on the Left willing to virtue-signal about Israel, vote third party and lose the presidency to Trump, a candidate who would make things demonstrably worse for Palestinians and would likely increase aid to Israel and remove any lukewarm constraints that the current administration is limp-wristidly raising. Meanwhile, Republicans will overlook any of the hundreds of things wrong with their candidate and compromise any values they’ve had, just to elect the biggest shit stain in history because they know he’ll make the other side feel bad.

  • I think if a third party were deeply serious about wanting to establish a viable political movement. They’d try building up at the local level first, the presidency should be one of the last steps of becoming “legitimate”, the unsexy local elections are where you build up support at being treated as a serious political movement. Instead, most current third party runs tend to feel like either spoiler campaigns and/or vanity campaigns, where I’m not even sure what good it would do them on the miraculous chance they happened to win the presidency, since third parties in general don’t have much presence in Congress. There’s like four “independent” members of Congress right now, good luck getting any of your third party platform initiatives done with likely no Congressional support.