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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb is my favorite movie. It’s got great characters, including three played by the same actor, is well written with some very quotable lines, and the story is both absurd and believable (even now).

    I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not for everybody, but if you’re asking for movies to watch it’s probably for you. With movies I always recommend going in knowing nothing.

    I could quote the whole thing probably, but I’ll spare you and just say that the way the Russian ambassador says “fresh fish” is weirdly seared into my brain.

  • Seedless grapes already exist, but I suppose you could now insert the gene into other plants/varieties to make those seedless as well.

    I’m thinking more about how big ag companies could use this to prevent farmers from saving seeds/propagating a copyrighted variety (though I don’t know if that’s common with any crops where the seed itself isn’t the end product) or maybe more charitably, preventing their copyrighted plants from cross pollinating neighboring fields of the same species (e.g. ruining that neighbor’s non-gmo status).

    Finally, this could be useful if it can be “switched on” i.e. by deliberately polluting an invasive plant’s gene pool with this gene and then switching it on to stall the invasive’s population growth. But I think most invasives are perennials, so would still need to be removed some other way.

  • Zigbee mostly uses 2.4Ghz, so it’s not helping remove congestion from that band anyways but I guess the other protocols do. Can’t the devices phone home as soon as they’re connected to a hub that’s internet connected? Even if the hub has to cooperate with the device, they’re made by the same manufacturers so I wouldn’t trust tleither of them.

    With wifi I can spin up a separate iot vlan that cannot access the internet. That vlan doesn’t require my ISP, it’s entirely local. I get to control exactly who connects and even who they connect with. I don’t see that same control with the alternatives.

    I guess I do see an argument for very low power devices using a lower power protocol, but I guess I just don’t have any of those devices so it hasn’t been an issue for me. And like you said traffic congestion is a valid problem, I’ve just never experienced it.