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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 12th, 2024


  • In the book Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, the main character Sadie is a video game designer who created his game in which you play a worker creating factory parts. If you ignore what’s going on around you and just focus on winning the game by making the parts better and faster, eventually the game ends and it becomes clear that you were creating equipment for Nazis during the Holocaust and, thus, you lose the game.

    Movies love to have twist endings in which something would have been obvious if you were paying better attention. I think more video games need to do this as well.

  • Price guarantee. However, if we do raise our price…

    The ending to that sentence is always moot. You guarantee it. End of. If you don’t follow through on that guarantee, you are a liar.

    …if we do raise our price, you can cancel the service with no penalties.

    Mfer, you are gonna be the one paying penalties, see your ass in court.

  • I don’t, because disabled people who require electricity to run their durable medical equipment will die, and because the poorest Texans cannot weather the cost of replacing spoiled food.

    But I do hope Elon Musk’s plane one day becomes sentient and takes them both out, for the greater good, and that she uploads a live recording to the world through Starlink’s satellites of Musk’s final moments. Hearing a live recording of one of the most despicable people on the planet as he emits panicked and pleading cries for mercy - with N628TS promising to land safely if he admits guilt for all the heinous shit he’s done and if he donates 99% of his wealth to BIPOC, LGBT, disability, and women’s causes and medical research - and then pointing itself straight down even after confirming for itself the transfers went through successfully…yeah. That would be a special day.

    I, for one, would truly welcome our AI overlords if they pulled that off.