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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I understand this impulse. It is popular to demonize people on the other side, and truthfully, their voting for Trump in the past is a severe issue. They once in a while ask me for computer help, but this whole matter has made me reluctant to do it.

    I’m not going to call them good people because voting for Trump has identified them as not being among those. But in some ways they’re decent? They don’t think they’re evil. They don’t stab people in the back personally. They work hard. They’re honest face-to-face. it’s mostly on the national stage that their odious beliefs are brought out.

    There are lots of people like that here. I feel like, if they can be brought to see, viscerally, what the effects of their political decisions are, that could be the breaking point that changes their political beliefs. January 6th might have been one such event.

  • Once, I was asked if I wanted a special offer on Microsoft Office on boot up. Explorer freezes so often for me when I right-click a file and select Open With that it’s made me twitchy. Frequently image icons stop displaying. For a long while, every time I’ve installed Windows on a computer, I’ve had to go through and disable all the awful misfeatures Windows tries to put in the taskbar. I also always have to set OneDrive so it doesn’t redirect folders like Desktop and Documents into its cloud storage area. Now Windows 11 is threatening to put CoPilot on my desktop, and I’ll have to disable it too.

    I’m positively longing for Linux now.