It’s kinda annoying and sad to see that EU have to make bills these days for basic things that android had a decade ago.
yeah, i mostly use it for images and pdfs. it has been great when you need to send your friends some low size file at the eleventh hour.
catbox is more like a file hosting website but yeah, it’s pretty good too.
i think that the current icon is good.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion. It was a one weird rollercoaster ride. I still can’t understand the movie too.
they can be sued for this right?
What’s with apple getting product updates/releases faster than android/windows?
can you explain why?
how are they in terms of user interface?
Nier Automata has a great storyline and the ost just elevates that totally in nearly all occasions. It’s an one of a game which just mesmerizes you in it’s soundtrack while playing the game during any time.