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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The prequels had a mountain of books/comics/shows backing them up and filling out the parts that were lacking. ( i.e. the huge gapping holes in tone and execution ).

    The sequels… there’s not much to salvage. They’re more very pretty hole than substance. To the point there haven’t been more than a handful of attempts and they’ve basically been ignored/sidestepped.

  • It’s taboo because they’re uncomfortable justifying their positions, at least to others, because if they expand on those positions they have to apply labels they don’t like to themselves, and that sucks.

    The root word of politics is just “city”. Politics is just matters being discussed in the city/population. Everything intrapersonal is politics. Ignoring it, making it a dirty word, is sticking their head in the sand because evaluating things is hard, and if they let the logic of their positions play out it ends up in a bad place. But that can’t be true because they’re a good person. So “politics” must be the problem.

  • The trick is “Politics” has become a dirty word.

    Thing makes you uncomfortable? Don’t want to think about it? “Politics”.

    As a coping strategy it is a thing to behold. It lets you just coast along and anything that doesn’t instantly strike you as agreeable or might threaten previous information, “Politics”, and you can just ignore it. Until something impacts you directly, and then you’re being singled out and can be outraged, or at least disgruntled. But that’s just your personal issue, there’s no systemic problems, that would be… the bad word.

    “Those” people want to be treated like people and be able to marry and have rights? “My party’s candidate” is having bad stuff said about him? The local aquifer has been running a yearly deficit? Students are yelling about something?


  • Sure.

    GPT4 is not that. Neither will GPT5 be that. They are language models that marketing is calling AI. They have a very specific use case, and it’s not something that can replace any work/workers that requires any level of traceability or accountability. It’s just “the thing the machine said”.

    Marketing latched onto “AI” because blockchain and cloud and algorithmic had gotten stale and media and CEOs went nuts. Samsung is now producing an “AI” vacuum that adjusts suction between hardwood and carpet. That’s not new technology. That’s not even a new way of doing that technology. It’s just jumping on the bandwagon.