Writer, poet, creative dabbler, geek, cycling and star trek fan. Tends to ramble on about things she likes.

(the username was a suggestion from a url generator for a writing related website, and I immediately made it my nickname all over the internet)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Onmail is pretty awesome. You get 10gb free and it has a function where you have to approve first contacts. Very easy way to block spammers.

    I use it to get mail from two other accounts.

    I have used proton before and it’s fine but the one annoyance is that it treats mail in trash as archived mail, which means that you get a lot of: there is deleted mail in this thread.

  • There are a couple of types of procrastination for me.

    There is the productive kind, where I’m idling away while pondering a blog post or a plot point in my writing.

    And the unproductive kind. The kind where I just don’t wanna.

    What I do is force myself to move. Set a timer for a couple minutes and do a simple task.

    This usually helps me get into the flow.