• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Theme: Prehistoric Times

    Plot: Temptation

    Hero: Clever tinkerer

    Villain: Greedy business tycoon

    Side character: Scheming courtier

    Wildcard: Fey

    I’m not quite sure how to work a business tycoon and courtier into something set in Prehistoric times, but I’m definitely intrigued on the sort of story I could come up with for this prompt.

    Thanks for sharing this! I really enjoy it, especially since I want to write more. I think I might workshop this prompt a bit cause it definitely got some juices flowing.

  • It can depend on where you’re located and how deep you get into the sport. For beginner classes, in my area, they are ~$100 for 6 weeks. It gets more expensive once you need your own gear and if you choose to compete and/or take private lessons.

    I think the most comparable comparison in costs are probably club hockey and club soccer.

    • Walking my dog - Better awareness of my neighborhood/getting to know my neighbors. Fresh air, sunshine, and time to work through my thoughts helps me stay clear headed. Cardio is good for you.

    • Fencing - both physically and mentally challenging. It is basically violently enforced meditation. Hella fun and is great stress relief. Cons - can be expensive and relatively few adults.

    • Reading fiction - I enjoy getting lost in other worlds. Helps to disconnect from the internet from time to time

    • Yoga - reduces random aches and pains from sitting all day at work/high impact activities. It just generally feels good afterwards.

    • Curling - team sport I do with my spouse. Throwing shit and drinking/eating afterwards is nice. Good community to socialize with.

    • Watching movies/tv/YouTube - Lots of great stuff out there. Easy to do too much of this one, especially youtube.

  • Yeah, that sounds like it would be a textural nightmare with how thick and heavy peanut butter is.

    It’s very rare to eat peanut butter on its own. It’s most famous for the way it pairs with other flavors. Peanut butter and jelly (strawberry jam is a classic), peanut butter and honey, peanut butter and chocolate, or if you want something super extreme peanut butter and marshmallow fluff.

    I would bet you’d like it more if it hadn’t been peanut butter only.

  • I was walking my dog earlier this week and came across a cat that had most likely been killed by a coyote. It was incredibly upsetting to see and completely ruined my day. That cat did not need to live it’s last moments in fear and fighting for its life, if only it’s owners had kept it inside/supervised it when outside.

    On a better note. I once saw a woman walking down the street and her cat was just following her along (no leash). It was super cute and you could definitely tell they had a fantastic bond. More cat owners should be like that lady.

  • I recently started tracking what I was eating for nutrition/weight loss purposes and realized I should be eating way more protein. I’ve tried protein powders in the past (a lot of online recipes for oats recommend adding protein powder) and hate how strongly they are flavored. I saw a lot of diy protein powder recipes have a base of dry milk powder which I already had in my cupboard, so I just use that. It’s fine with the same amount of liquid.

    You could just use normal milk instead of milk powder + water, but this was lower calorie and never goes bad.

  • My current go to for the past few years is oatmeal. I mix oats, dry milk powder, frozen cherries, and water. Then I throw it in the microwave for a few minutes to cook. Once it’s done, I add cinnamon and a handful of chocolate chips and mix it all together. It’s probably not the most healthy option, but it’s tasty and reasonably nutritious.

  • Honestly, dating apps have always weirded me out so I never used them. I’ve only dated people I met in real life; which, as an introvert, means I haven’t dated many people at all. I’d rather quality over quantity. Every date I’ve been on has lead to a LTR, because we already knew we had chemistry before our first date.

    I met my spouse through work. I know lots of people recommend not dating people from your job, and it can be risky, but it worked for us. Of course, my parents have been married for over 40 years and also met at their job, so I guess maybe it’s genetic.

    As for what keeps us together? It’s just easy. We like being around each other and work well together, despite our many differences. Life’s better with them in it.