The settings on KDE show this info about my computer after buying a used motherboard. Apparently it came from a prebuilt, though it is a standard ASUS board. Where does this branding come from and is it possible to remove it?
The branding also shows in inxi:
Machine: Type: Desktop System: PC Specialist product: Tornado R7S v: N/A serial: <superuser required> Mobo: ASUSTeK model: PRIME B450-PLUS v: Rev X.0x serial: <superuser required> part-nu: 1744753 UEFI: American Megatrends v: 4402 date: 12/13/2023
This is part of the motherboard and can only be changed with specific tools from the manufacturer. Back in the days there was
as a dos tool to change it in AMI Bios. You would need to find out, what tool can be used to change it in your UEFI. However, it’s possible that those tools are not available to the I’ve found this (scroll down to #5 if it won’t scroll automatically). It shows some tools that can be used to change DMI information for different Manufacturers.
Hmm I might try one from there, although it requires Windows. I’ll see if it works on Hiren’s boot cd.
For WinPE, I like Sergey Strelec’s build more than Hiren’s:
I thought TianoCore EDK 2 was open source? If your UEFI is EDK 2 its code should be wide open and availablem