• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Wow thanks so much such a dedication this time i thought i have tried them all … yeah i should probably have mentioned that i have only arch on lvm while Ubuntu Is still on a normal partition like Windows but i think your test Is still usefull since somehow while i was trying to make arch appear on the boot screen by mounting all its partition from Ubuntu and generating a new GRUB file and fstab i got the same error you had of loading the kernel First i Will defently give It a shot… since its Easier to recognise what grub I’m using if I don’t theme them the same way I will skip that step … I have a feeling that notthing will change because I have already tried to reinstall grub with gru-install (I believe im not removing it first but I’m installing a new one on top ) but I always get the themed one on boot …

  • Hy thanks Yeah i have encrypted only the lvm partition so Ubuntu should be fine i dont think this error Is related to that… i have already read the wiky about encryption and seems likes i have done everything right i have modified the GRUB.conf file accordingly … But i agree its strange since i dont have any prompt asking me of decrypting that partition …

    Yeah i know about update-grub notthing changes same output …

    The problem Is that i cant make anything register by GRUB i Will bet that even removing the encryption Will not add the new arch entry … since eventhow os-prober recognize It and says adding the os wont show anything … thats why i thought in a First Place about a Copy of a file which i couldn change of some backup file used since since new One Is somehow broken …

  • Hy thanks for still being here yeh I have noticed them too but I skipped them since there was the same error for Ubuntu and it works fine … My EFI system is mounted on a fat 32 partition my ubuntu root is mounted on an ext4 partitions as my separate boot partition witch is also Ext4 my arch install is instead mounted on an LVM partition witch I have formatted with Ext4 both for the home and the root … the LVM partition is on nvm0n1p9

    Btw sorry if I keep sending pictures of the screen instead of screenshots just a lazy boy😅

  • Hey thanks man I have followed your advice and reverted back the Ubuntu fstab … I the added the separate boot partition in a better way and now I can finally boot back into Ubuntu without the recovery mode …

    I noticed that in most tutorials they will generate the fstab before mounting the /boot/efi partition I checked my ubuntu fstab wich also has the /boot/efi entry so I mounted it before generating the fstab but still nothing changes (yeah I also fixed the mount point to /boot/efi)

    I feel like im going nowhere since eventhow I find a way to make os prober recognize arch and the other way around I still can’t see the entry in the boot screen which remains the same(probably the original ubuntu one with my aesthetics customization) is it possible that I have somehow generated a copy of some file maybe the grub.conf which remains unmodified ? I’m glad it didn’t get worse but I will be happy to see some positive changes … Thanks for your help

  • Thanks I always thought ther was a grub for each os and they will recognize each other … Following an other user advices I have added a separate /boot partition to Ubuntu but eventhow I have added the line in the fatab on boot it doesn’t mount properly so I have to manually mount it from the recovery mode… if I select to mount it on boot from the GUI (gnome-disks) it adds a couple of lines in the file /run/systems/generator/boot.mount but nothing changes …can u confirm me that this file is not consulted on boot so its not relevant ? So should I mount the /boot/EFI (already mounted) ,/ , /home and /boot (already mounted) on Ubuntu before updating grub ? Doesn’t this tell to mount the arch os when I boot ubuntu ? … I have just realized could the problem be in the fact that during the arch install I have followed a tutorial which have told me to create a /boot /EFI directory on witch I should mount the EFI partition while in Ubuntu the EFI partition is mounted in /boot/efi that could defenetly be it … how should I proceed to fix it remove the EFI directory with all the stuff there’s in it and mount it on /boot/efi? Don’t wanna mess it up removing stuff is always dangerous… Let me know thanks a lot man I feel like we are getting closer

  • Thanks sis I have done that unfortunately I’m back to the start when booting up I have the customized grub witch makes me think I’m using ubuntus grub and since I have added the line to the fstab I’m booted straight into emergency mode I have typed as suggested journalctl -xb to see the complete logs but there’s like 2840 something lines I have scrolled and nothing gives me a hint of what’s happening I believe I already had an integrity problem loading x.509 certificate -65 I have taken some pictures of warnings and errors let me know if it would be helpful to you …

    I have used this guide for the rest but I have checked and it matches with the arch wiky https://www.learnlinux.tv/arch-linux-full-installation-guide/ I have chosen to encrypt my LVM partitions and I have modified the files accordingly …(I hope ) Apparently something is wrong before the description part because I don’t see any prompt asking me for the password … Hope you could help me

    Btw since it was working I haven’t touched the grub.conf in Ubuntu I have previously added the encryption lines on it because i was confused about what grub.conf file will end up needing to decrypt, and I was scared of not being able to boot back… it doesn’t seem to give any problem back then so I won’t blame this on it but I will defenetly revert it back to default and give it another go …

    Update mounting the /boot partition manually while in recovery allows me to boot into Ubuntu still no sign of the arch install thow (yes I have the os-prober flag ser up ) with ubuntu I can see also windows but not arch and from arch I can see neither ubuntu and windows I have also tried to modify the line in the fatab as follows with no results … Should I somehow activate or validate the new fstab ?

    UUID=1f32… /boot ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1

  • Hey do you know if it’s normal then after mounting the /boot partition, adding this … UUID=1f32… /boot ext4 defaults 0 2 … to the fatab and updating grub with grub-update or white grub mkconfig.io… I can’t no longer boot into Ubuntu ?it puts me in some kind of recovery mode Should I proceed anyway with the arch install ? Does the problem come from the fact I haven’t already reinstalled grub ? PS I have tried the --refresh flag but apparently it doesn’t exist …

  • Thanks a lot man I would love to tell you I understand everything but unfortunately the only part that I got was the first and I don’t have a separate boot partition :( so what do you mean by stick in the ubuntu boot block into grub config I have to reinstall grub from arch then I update it making a new .Cfg and then remaining in the arch install I should find and add the other two boot entries ? Should I delete grub before installing it again ? Im asking because I think I have already tried to install it and i believe I was still using the ubuntu one … What about updating grub on the Ubuntu side how am I going to boot into it ? Thanks a lot man I don’t want to waste your time u gave me some nice homeworks I will be back in a few days …