Bee all that you can beehaw.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • What area of the country are you in?

    Water conservation and environmental protection are probably your best available avenues into a climate science career of any sort. I’ve worked in environmental since 2012 when I got my master’s. I specialize in hydrogeology, but there are lots of fields. The problem you will run into is they are gated by credential barriers at a certain point - specifically PE/PG requirements. If you have the math portion you are probably well capable of passing the PE exam, you just need the experience and recs, so you may want to tailor your class load to put you on that path. Engineer’s also generally have higher pay brackets so there’s that little carrot as well.

    Most environmental based companies, regardless of their area of focus, have modelers and need engineers of various backgrounds. You typically don’t get hired into modeling, but can sort of steer yourself that way once you’re established. I’d recommend you avoid environmental consulting - it does not sound like the work environment you’re looking for, and most clients end up being polluters. Water Purveyors could be a really interesting target to aim yourself at. They do SO MUCH more than water supply, and they are constantly looking into all kinds of interesting projects. When your job is to supply an ever increasing population with an ever dwindling supply of a crucial resource, creativity is very much necessitated.

  • Why do you think it requires you to lie? If you’re lying on your resume it’s (I can only assume) you are not actually qualified for the position you are applying for. I also assume that you are at more of an entry level in terms of your skills/qualifications. Is that accurate?

    If you have success with that strategy good for you, but I’ll caution others - as you get further in your career, interviews get longer and more in depth. If you say you know how to do something, you are often asked technical questions on that thing, or in-depth questions on how you’d implement that thing/skill/strategy/into the position. As others have said lying and embellishing are not the same thing. You can oversell your skill to a degree, but be prepared to need to put in extra work (probably off the clock and in your own time) to get yourself to the skill level you said you had. You may not need to! But in some positions, you may be RELIED on for that skill you’re not as good at as you said you were.

    Also - UPDATE your resume and keep it current. If you learned a new thing and can do it, put it on there before you forget you did it. Also, prioritize. Remove old things from your resume as you get further into your career and those skills/accomplishments are less impactful or Relevant. Replace with newer things. Keep track of what’s going on in your field and stay up to date with buzz words and topics and be able to speak to them even if it’s not your area of expertise.

  • Thunder is great, but it’s got some issues I hope they work out. I don’t like that you can’t block communities in thunder, or if you can its so convoluted that I haven’t figured it out yet. I also don’t like that it struggles to seamlessly refresh. You’ll be scrolling through the feed then two seconds later go through the exact same ten posts you just saw because it refresh glitched.

    On the other hand I think their feed aesthetic is the nicest of the bunch, and they have my absolute favorite feature where you can tap to unblur NSFW and then re-tap to reblur it all without leaving the feed. That is SUCH a nice feature.

    I’m using connect as my main ATM but I’ll def jump back to thunder if they can clean up some of the bugs!

  • Sometime in the past few years I feel like reddit devolved into an argument fest. It seems like the only thing anyone is interested in is arguing or saying rude or hateful shit in the comments. It turned me off to commenting tbh and even pre-api nonsense made me realize I didn’t enjoy reddit the way I used to.

    It’s nice here still, and hopefully stays that way. Sometimes I’ll write something that I realize could be taken as rude and I’ll feel like an absolute asshole until I fix it. Like I’m worried I’ll upset someone when I didn’t mean to… I haven’t given something like that a second thought on Reddit in years.

    Also if anyone reads a comment from me and I sound like an asshole, please let me know! It’s almost certainly not intended, especially anywhere on Beehaw.

  • I rarely use YouTube, but my nephew (he’s two) was over the other day and we put on some cartoons for him that were in YouTube since my wife and I don’t have Disney plus. I couldn’t BELIEVE how many ads it showed. One five-minute merry melodies cartoon had FOUR SEPARATE ad breaks, the third and fourth of which were both 3+ minutes long if you weren’t paying attention to skip.

    Wtf?! Not even shit ass normal broadcast television has that many commercials.

  • I am an environmental geologist and I do not have good news for you. I am also an eternal pessimist, and the two do not mix well. What I’ve personally found is that avoiding the news helps tremendously, especially when it comes to topics I have virtually no control over. It’s not just burying my head in the sand, the news didn’t used to be formatted to polarize you and force feed you fear by the bucketful like it is now. It’s better for my own mental health to focus on my inner sphere, the things I can affect and have some control over. I follow my local news to a degree, I stay up on the things that impact the work I do, but otherwise I do anything and everything I can to avoid the news and I legitimately sleep better for it. I also try to impact things that will make a tangible difference to real people in my area. Think of it this way - if what you think is true (it’s not that bad but it’s still not good) then you and I have no way of controlling if the planet kills us and everyone else in fifty years. But what we can control is if something we do makes a difference to our neighbor. We can something that puts a smile on a friends face, or helps someone we love (or maybe we don’t even know) have a better day. Those are active choices we can make and have control over.

    Not saying it’s for everyone, but that’s what I’ve found helps me the most.