oh yeah, I’m sure that’ll work 👍
about as effective as a mystical incantation
and even then, Android is mostly open source.
I’ve personally updated the kernel to my Amazon Fire tablet (and believe me, the 3.18 branch doesn’t contain as many security backports as they’d have you believe)
I guess going by CMB radiation isn’t that reliable, since the speed of light is a constant, but we don’t know squat about dark energy
plus, something as big as the universe, gotta make allowances for the butterfly effect
the cheese wouldn’t play nearly as well off of meat squares
your post inspired me to go looking, so I browsed around 50 pages worth of mags and am now subbed to about 82
nothing I read about this group on Wikipedia points to terrorism, it repeatedly says they advocate nonviolence
I guess these days though it’s become some kind of magic password to get whatever the hell you want