Pixel 7 with a barely customized Nova Launcher, because I’m basic but I need rounded square icons.
The background looks iffy in the shot, but it’s a live wallpaper from Shader Editor running Machine DNA’s GLSL shader with minimal tweaks needed to make it fit on the phone.
That weird twitter icon is a Firefox PWA running twitter.com with various userscripts installed, to remove antifeatures and bad logos.
It’s weirdly difficult to remap the “office” key so that pressing it won’t open an ad for ms office 365 and pressing office+L won’t open linkedin.com, and a few more equally valuable core OS features.
In the end I just had to grab a small bit of C code from GitHub, compile it, move the exe to the startup folder, have Windows Defender yell at me for having obviously installed a particularly nasty brand of trojan, and make Windows Defender put the executive I had just compiled back.
But really, I deserve this for using a Microsoft natural keyboard in the first place.