I saw Tron in the theater in 1982! How about that? I’d forgotten all about it, until just now that I read the word “Tron”.
There was an arcade next door, of course - they had the Tron game! A guy was playing like a wizard, I asked if he’d gone next door to see it, he looked at me and said - “I’ve seen it four times”. I wonder where that guy is now. Did he go into computer engineering or something like that, just at the right time when the industry was about to explode in size?
There was this duplex in '82 that was showing Blade Runner (rated R) on one screen and Clint Eastwood’s Cold War thriller Firefox (rated PG) on the other. As an unaccompanied teen I had to see Firefox, but I do remember that Vangelis soundtrack, which you could hear from the lobby area. I really wanted to see it then, but it didn’t happen until I rented the VHS tape a year later, maybe even a bit longer than that.