I know the majority opinion is not to do it for various reasons, but basically I started to backup the majority of my dvd collection that I created over the years since I have the time and they were just collecting dust. Turns out though I guess I’m doing it “wrong” or at least not in the original quality since I used handbrake instead of makemkv. I’m already 160 dvds in and about 40 more to go, is it worth, quality wise, going back and actually ripping? Is there a way to compare them? To clairify, I’ll be using makemkv from now on for the rest.
Handbrake isn’t recommended any more? That’s what I’d used for my ripping. By original quality, you mean extracting the the mpeg-2 or just that Handbrake did bad transcoding?
I rip with makemkv then use handbrake for slimming down to hevc/aac. I have too many discs and not enough storage to keep the raw rips. Newer handbrake supports nvidia transcoding for hevc, getting some great quality, but I wish it would support audio tracks and subtitles better… for multilingual subtitles I have a custom ffmpeg script that does a decent enough job.
Also cropping can be a pain in the ass with both ffmpeg and handbrake, much less so on the latter.
were only talkin 200 dvds? download that shit.